
A Sharpshooter’s Journey To Laser Vision Correction

Prior to age forty years old and four months, I had 20/10 vision in both eyes with a strong right eye dominance. Then all the sudden it seemed like someone had flipped a switch, four months after my 40th birthday. …

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Where To Get SMILE Eye Surgery In Michigan

SMILE eye surgery is the latest in laser vision correction for myopia (nearsightedness) with or without astigmatism. It’s an effective and minimally-invasive treatment that gets LASIK-like outcomes, and it’s available in the state of Michigan at the Laser Eye Institute. …

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SMILE Eye Surgery

Is SMILE Eye Surgery A Safer Alternative To Contacts?

The latest advancement in laser vision surgery, SMILE is an effective and safe method for correcting vision. It is as successful as LASIK without the more extensive postoperative restrictions (i.e. can wear eye makeup or play sports right after) and …

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smile vs lasik

SMILE vs. LASIK Vision Correction: What to Expect in 2023

During these past challenging years, with remote work and lockdowns more common, it’s been heartening to see so many patients reclaim their lives, without glasses or contacts, with LASIK or SMILE vision correction. If you’re considering vision correction, here are …

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contact lens intolerance

How Many Contact Lenses Do You Have Left?

Millions of Americans deal with an endless cycle of fittings, samples, and online orders of contact lenses. Are you one of them?

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contact lens intolerance suffering

Contact Lens Intolerance is Leading People to Transform Their Vision

Contact lens intolerance is leading people to transform their vision. Learn about the treatment that’s available to the millions who suffer.

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contact lens intolerance cost

What is the True Cost of Contact Lens Intolerance on Your Wallet?

What does it really cost you to have contact lenses? Many don’t realize the high true cost of contact lenses. Will you be surprised?

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teacher lasik discount

Thanking Our Educators with Back to School Savings on LASIK & SMILE

Teachers tend to be underpaid and underappreciated for the work they do in shaping young minds. Teachers can particularly benefit from vision correction, whether it’s catching note-passing in the back of the class, or keeping your eyes sharp for grading …

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Contact Lens Intolerance Allergies

Allergies and Contact Lens Intolerance

22 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies. Couple that with Contact Lens Intolerance and misery follows. Do you suffer from CLI?

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