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Real Patients. Real Reviews.

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Don’t take our word for it, ask around. Chances are someone you know is a patient. In fact, almost all of our patients are referrals. We invest in delivering quality procedures, not advertising. We believe by doing great work our patients won't let their friends and family go anywhere else. All of the testimonials are from patients who allowed us to share their story.

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Though my vision wasn’t bad, my friend encouraged me to consider laser eye surgery. As I looked into it, I began to think that there was maybe some potential here. So I went to one of the leading eye surgeons in Michigan, Dr. Haddad of the Laser Eye Institute. They did a great job for me. Their service and expertise were second to none. As I found out next time I was on the track, the gains in my driving were better than I had realistically hoped.

Jack Roush Jr. Headshot
Jack Roush Jr.
Roush Performance

97.1 The Ticket: Kyle Bogie's Story

Kyle Bogie LASIK Testimonial Video Preview

97.1 The Ticket: Kyle Bogie's Story

"It was so easy; I'm still amazed at this point. Dr. Dan and his team over at the Laser Eye Institute in Troy did a phenomenal job of taking care of me, making me feel comfortable. I didn't feel nervous at all, I didn't feel a thing!... There was no one else that I was going to be trusting my vision and my eyesight to other then Dr. Dan. "

Kyle Bogie Headshot
Kyle Bogie
97.1 The Ticket

Hussein's Story

I felt really comfortable...

"I asked family and friends; of the seven people that told me, five of them recommended Laser Eye Institute."

Hussein Headshot
Custom LASIK Patient
Jessica Headshot
Jessica's Story

From day one of stepping into Laser Eye Institute, having already been to another one five months prior, I was shocked at the differences between the two. The first one I went to seemed nice and professional, but they did nothing outside of a regular eye exam and stating my candidacy for the procedure for the one laser they had. Dr. Haddad however, provided every option accessible to fit everyone's individual needs; that was what really worried me about having almost gone through with it elsewhere.

Contrary to how the procedure looks on the outside, actually having it done was not as scary as watching it in videos. It's all so close to your eyes you don't even know what's going on, let alone even feel anything because it's 100% completely painless. Calm your mind of worry and thinking too much and you'll do great! The whole flap took about 12 seconds to create per eye, the laser portion took about 10 seconds and you're DONE!

On top of all of this every staff member I met or even passed by walking was extraordinary pleasant and welcoming, even humorous especially Dr. Haddad! Two days now after my surgery my vision is 20/15!! My excitement is overwhelming.....listen to everything they have to say, take every precaution and care they suggest to you and they'll change your life! Don't skip steps and take care during the healing process! It makes all the difference!

Thank you Laser Eye Institute of Troy, thank you to your staff, your hospitality, and thank you Dr. Haddad for your exceptional high standard in both your craft and your humanity! I cannot WAIT to live the rest of my life being able to see it all!

Adrian's Story

I'm happy, I'm really happy...

"A year ago I was on the other side wearing glasses and right now I'm happy, I'm really happy not having to wear glasses anymore."

Hussein Headshot
Custom LASIK Patient

Lisa's Story

Lisa LASIK Video Testimonial Preview

We were really impressed with that...

"He was the first doctor to sit down and to talk with us to answer all of our questions, no matter how long we wanted to sit and talk. We were really impressed with that. "

Lisa Headshot
Custom LASIK Patient

Zach's Story

Dr. Haddad was awesome...

"Dr. Haddad was awesome. As soon as I met him I knew this was the place, this was the spot for me and that was that."

Hussein Headshot
Custom LASIK Patient
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