

Frequently Asked Questions: Part Four

You’ve had your procedure and now you have questions. Or maybe you want to have Lasik, but you don’t know how long after the procedure you need to change your activities. Here are some of the most common post-procedure questions, with some easy answers. Some of these answers depend on the type of procedure and your specific eyes, so don’t take this as the final word—your postop instructions may be different. This FAQ is intended a guideline, and does not replace medical advice from your OD or MD.

How long until I can ______?

How long until I can wear eye makeup?

For most people, we recommend a full week of recovery before you use eye makeup. That means eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow will have to wait just a little while. However, if you’ve had SMILE to correct your vision, you only have to wait two days! If you’re not sure about which procedure you’ve had, give us a call to double check.

How long until l can have an intense workout?

We insist that you wait until after at least your first post-operative appointment before any strenuous activity. That’s usually the day after your procedure, or three days after, depending on what type of vision correction you’ve had.

Once you’ve made it to that first appointment, avoid contact sports. We recommend that you stick to a treadmill or similar activities with protective eyewear for a little while. Avoid heavy lifting and straining for two weeks.

After this period, we can recommend protective eyewear to fit your athletic lifestyle.

Since your vision correction is a personalized process, these instructions may be a little different for your eyes.

Can I fly on an airplane right away?

We insist that you wait until after at least your first post-operative appointment to fly. It’s important that we check in on your eyes! Most patients are able to fly following this appointment.

Are there any vacation activities I need to skip after Lasik?

Vacationing after your vision correction will be amazing. You won’t have to worry about taking contact lenses, solution, contact case, backup contacts, backup glasses, and all the other accessories.

With most procedures, we recommend you wait two weeks before using saunas or swimming pools, or going to the beach. However, if you’ve had SMILE to correct your vision, you only have to wait three days!

No matter what, we recommend that you wear UV protective sunglasses outside, especially in windy conditions.

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Amanda helps patients improve their lives through the power of LASIK. A patient coordinator at Laser Eye Institute, Amanda assists patients through every step in their start-to-vision journey.