
Dr. Haddad Presents At Luther L. Fry, M.D. Lectureship Series

On February 2nd 2017, Dr. Haddad was invited to guest lecture at Kresge Eye Institute as part of the Luther L. Fry, M.D. Lectureship. This lectureship was formed to provide both doctors and residents with lectures from some of the top cataract surgeons in the country.

As a refractive and cataract specialist, Dr. Haddad was very excited to be a part of this series. His lecture focused on the challenges faced when planning cataract surgery. Specifically in patients who have had some sort of vision correction (LASIK, PRK) in their past. Who knew doctors still had to go back and review physics equations?

Dr. Haddad’s Lecture

His talk entitled Planning Cataract Surgery in Post Kerato-Refractive Surgery Patients focused on how to increase the predictability and improve the overall outcomes in patients having cataract surgery that had undergone previous vision correction (such as LASIK, PRK, or RK).

Before the lecture, Dr. Haddad had the chance to sit down with the residents at Kresge and talk to them about the field of ophthalmology. If you’ve ever spoken to Dr. Haddad before, you know how passionate he is about his work and loves any and all technology that will help give his patients a better result. He talked to them about everything from radial keratotomy (RK), a popular vision correction procedure back in the 80s, to running a practice. He even shared stories from his recent trip to Mexico, where he practiced his surgical techniques for the SMILE procedure.

(Stay tuned for more exciting news to come about that)

Dr. Haddad has such a passion for teaching and the smile he wore all day proved just that. Afterwards, the Kresge residents and physicians spent the rest of their evening at a local restaurant in Detroit discussing the resident’s upcoming career goals, and the future of vision correction.

Dr. Daniel Haddad

Originally Published February 2, 2017

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David Lemieux, BA from Oakland University is a LASIK expert and marketing professional that has worked with Dr. Dan Haddad and the Laser Eye Institute since 2017. David believes in education and cutting through the noise to deliver facts and opinions about LASIK, SMILE, and all things Laser Vision Correction.